Preparing Formally Incarcerated Individuals
for Re-entry
Before an inmate's release, LIF takes a comprehensive approach to prepare them through our pre-release curriculum called "Getting Ahead." This program is facilitated by trained LIF staff in group settings.
As the day of release approaches, the challenges awaiting former prisoners on the outside can feel daunting. For years, they've been dictated what to wear, when to eat, and where to go. Now, ex-inmates must navigate these decisions independently.
LIF's dedicated staff and volunteers are committed to equipping both men and women with the tools they need to leave prison with a positive perspective. Across various correctional facilities, LIF provides mentorships, life-skills training, marriage and parenting courses, and other programs aimed at teaching personal responsibility, the importance of education and hard work, as well as respect for others and their belongings. These efforts ensure that inmates are well-prepared to thrive in their communities after their release.
Employment Support
The majority of prisoners ultimately reintegrate into society, and whether
they successfully become contributing members or not
significantly impacts public safety.
The term "Returning Citizen" is used to replace the labels of "ex-con" or "ex-offender." This shift in terminology focuses on who an individual is in the present, rather than dwelling on their past actions. It underscores the importance of recognizing the civil rights of those who have paid their debt to society and advocates for changes in laws that, for instance, may restrict voting rights or limit job opportunities for returning citizens.
Within the Re-entry Employment Service Program, various resources have been developed to assist individuals in their journey towards reintegration. These resources include job preparation handouts, an assessment form, and two PowerPoint presentations designed for both job seekers and employers.

Helpful Resources
Attitude & You​​​
​Rap Sheet​​
The Application​
Your Resume​
Cover Letter
​Preparing for Your Interview: Do's and Don'ts​​​
​Possible Interview Questions
The Conviction Question
Telephone Etiquette​
Good Weakness
STAR Interview Technique
Thank You Letter​​​​​
Housing Support
The LIF Re-entry Housing Program adopts a comprehensive strategy to offer
transitional housing resources that facilitate the transition of individuals into
short-term and permanent housing, accompanied by essential support services.
Recognizing the common difficulty in securing affordable housing, we equip our clients for their housing search through a Housing Workshop and offer intensive one-on-one housing counseling. LIF actively fosters and sustains partnerships with diverse property management companies, transitional housing facilities, and sober living facilities to further enhance housing options for our clients.

Aftercare Re-entry Services
LIF Case Managers offer personalized programming to ensure ample time for individuals to achieve important milestones before their release. Our Continuum of Care model is centered on assessments, with our staff pinpointing reentry requirements and crafting individualized rehabilitation plans to offer the necessary services.
Our offerings encompass cognitive behavioral therapy, academic and vocational support, faith-based programs, and substance abuse rehabilitation.